Scope Mounting
Rifle Scopes | Red-dot sights | Iron-sights
Having your scope mounted accurately is of extreme importance because, a good rifle will shoot badly if the scope is not mounted properly. Plus it gives the shooter trust in his rifle if the scope setup is strong and sturdy. So have your scope mounted at GunCraft, Cape Town. GunCraft's Gunsmiths have years of scope mounting and precision shooting experience.
Mounting Methods
First of all, the foundation of a scope fit is the mounting method. At GunCraft we recommend the Picatinny Rail method. It is the strongest and easiest to use scope mounting method. Sadly, not all actions are made true, especially the K98 platform rifles. In that case, we recommend the stud-type mounting method, which allows for more radial movement.


At GunCraft we manufacture our own Picatinny rails and scope rings.
Scope rings and rails designs are customisable.
We make Picatinny rails for any platform:
- Rifle
- Shotgun
- Handgun
- Any brand of bolt action rifle.
MOA (minute of angle) cant is customisable to your needs.
Our rails are machined with care to avoid internal material stresses and warping.

We use 7075 T6151 Aluminum (aircraft aluminum) for it's strong, light weight properties and it's resistance to stripping and galling.
Our set of scope rings are simultaneously machined from a single block of material to ensure perfect alignment and that they are uniform in dimensions.
Our scope rings are machined so precisely that no lapping is required.
We use high tensile strength Metric screws.
Our standard rings have four top clamping screws. More can be added on special order.

"What if my rifle has no holes for a scope?" Commonly found with the old .303 rifles, this is no problem for our gunsmiths, and a scope can still be mounted.
At GunCraft we drill and tap actions to make it compatible with a rail or stud type mount.
We take extreme care when we do this operation to ensure perfect alignment and not to compromise the action.

GunCraft's scope rings are so precisely machined that even when the scope is not clamped down and the rifle is upside down the scope doesn't fall out, as shown below.

Our in-house manufactured Picatinny products are compatible with any other Picatinny platform product.
How GunCraft does Scope Mounting
We use tested and proven torque settings to ensure the bases and scope are securely fastened.
The cross-hairs are precisely leveled with spirit levels and other specialised tools.
If bases already exist on the rifle we'll double check the tightness of the screws before continuing with the process.
With stud type mounts, the scope rings will be lapped, especially if we removed material to fix possible elevation issues. And the scope will be optically centered before zeroing with a bore sighter device.
The Picatinny mounting method is a rigid setup and only bore sighting can be done to zero the scope.
Be aware that certain scopes have less internal adjustment than others. That can complicate the mounting process if any misalignment exists in the barrel, action and mounting bases relationship.
Examples of Rifle Scope Mounting by GunCraft Gunsmiths

Any other Sighting needs
At GunCraft we never say it can't be done. Whatever you need to have mounted we'll find a way to do it.
We design and make rails/attachments for mounting any optic or iron sight on any platform firearm.
Examples of Sights Mounting by GunCraft Gunsmiths